Research Reports:
- "Phone It In: A New App Talks Back," Bitch Magazine (Summer 2013)
- "Three Ways Straight Dudes Can Help End Street Harassment," Bitch Magazine Blog (April 2013)
- "Buses and Metros Carry Messages Against Harassment," Women's Media Center (April 2013)
- "It's Take Back the Streets Week!" BlogHer (April 2013)
- "We’re taking back our streets!" Feministing (April 2013)
- "Verdict is in on Sexual Assault in the Military," Women's Media Center (March 2013)
- "Steubenville, Victim-Blaming, and Solutions to Rape," Fem2pt0 (March 2013)
- "WMATA taking steps to curb sexual harassment," Greater Greater Washington (March 2013)
- "Can We Break the Cycle of Military Sexual Violence?" Huffington Post (January 2013)
- "We are #ShoutingBack" Against Street Harassment," Fem2.0 (January 2013)
- "India Tragedy Seen as Transitional Moment," Women's Media Center (January 2013)
- "Steubenville: A Wake-Up Call for Schools," AAUW (January 2013)
- "Native Americans Speak Out About Street Harassment," Women's Media Center (September 2012)
- "Street Harassment Fuels a Viral Documentary," Ms. Blog (August 2012)
- "Egyptians Mobilize Against Sexual Harassment," Women's Media Center (July 2012)
- "Men in the Movement: Alan Kearl," International Planned Parenthood Federation Western Hemisphere Region (June 2012)
- "Egyptian Women Refuse to be Silenced by Assaults," Ms. Magazine Blog (June 2012)
- "If I can be Half as Great as My Parents," Role/Reboot (May 2012)
- "What you can do to help end street harassment," Feministing.com (March 2012)
- "Catcalls are not Compliments: Challenging Street Harassment Worldwide," Ms. Magazine Blog (March 2012)
- "WMATA takes action to fight sexual harassment," Greater Greater Washington (March 2012)
- "End sexual harassment on Metro," Greater Greater Washington (Feb. 2012)
- "The Invisible War of Military Women," Ms. Magazine Blog (Jan. 2012), syndicated on Alternet.org
- "Want to Stop Sexual Harassment at Work? First Stop it in School!" Ms. Magazine Blog (Nov. 2011); syndicated on MomsRising.org
- "Feeling Harassed? Do Something About It," Guardian (Aug. 2011)
- "Young Women Launch Afghanistan’s First Anti-Street Harassment Campaign," The WIP (July 2011).
- "Street harassment of women: It's a bigger problem than you think," Christian Science Monitor (April 2011), syndicated on Yahoo News.
- "Lara Logan and Egypt's Next Revolution," Ms. Magazine blog (Feb. 2011)
- "Rules for a happy Valentine's Day," Guardian (Feb. 2011), syndicated on The Wall Street Journal's One Spot
- "Where in the World Can Women Feel Safe?" Ms. Magazine blog (Nov. 2010)
- "Sexual harassment is not just a problem for Ines Sainz," Guardian (Sept. 2010)
- "Stop Commuter Harassment," Forbes.com (July 2010)
Syndicated on ABC News, "Sexual Harassment During Commute Hurts Performance at Work."
- "How to Deal With Cat-Callers, Leer-ers and Other Street Harassers" AOL's Lemon Drop (June 2010)
- "Women runners in Oregon shouldn't have to face harassment," The Oregonian (May 2010)
- "Street Harassment: A Real Problem that Requires Legal Regulation," Huffington Post (March 2010)
- "Always on Guard: Women and Street Harassment," AAUW's Outlook (Spring 2009).
- Testimony given at the Oct. 28, 2010, New York City Council's Hearing on Street Harassment
- 2005 senior thesis was selected for publication in the 2006 issue of Santa Clara University's Historical Perspectives Journal of History.